We know our partner firms well and have a genuine and close relationship with each of them and work together to provide a seamless service to any clients requiring an international service. We are not constrained by formal ties and we will source the right advice best suited to individual clients’ needs or work with our clients’ preferred advisers.
We fully appreciate that with advances in technology and business practices, geographical borders are increasingly irrelevant as clients operate and expand globally. Our international experience and collaborations give us:
the reach to support fully our domestic clients' international projects and ambitions
the depth of understanding necessary to provide our international clients with a service which reflects their expectations and needs
A large part of our international service deals with inward investment into the UK by foreign nationals and companies alike.
Our Team
Gruppo Italiano | Italian Group
Il Tuo Partner Internazionale
La conoscenza linguistica e culturale dei diversi Paesi e sistemi giuridici rende il nostro servizio completo, personalizzato e competitivo, accompagnando il cliente nel raggiugimento dei propri obiettivi. Per questo abbiamo creato relazioni solide e durature con i nostri clienti.
Il team e’ composto da professionisti con consolidata esperienza in diversi settori di business in grado di offrire una consulenza puntuale e tempestiva, capace di soddisfare le diverse esigenze spesso di natura crossborder, dei nostri clienti.
La conoscenza della lingua italiana consente di poter agire sia per clientela italiana con interessi nel Regno Unito, sia per clientela inglese con interessi in italia, operando come interlocutori principali che curano i diversi rapporti con gli altri professionisti dello studio o corrispondenti locali anche internazionali, garantendo al cliente un controllo sui costi e le tempistiche oltre che una capacita’ di farsi interprete dei diversi sistemi giuridici coinvolti.
Settori di attivita’
commercio internazionale
comunicazioni & media
farmaceutico e medicale
food & drink
luxury & fashions
retail & hospitality
servizi finanziari
Aree di attivita’
contenzioso, arbitrati nazionali e internazionali
diritto del commercio internazionale
diritto del lavoro
diritto della privacy
diritto della proprieta’ intellettuale e industriale
diritto fallimentare e concorsuale
diritto immobiliare
diritto pensionistico
diritto societario - anche crossborder
servizio di mediazione
testamenti e successioni
Our Team

Malaysia, Singapore & South Korea
We act for Malaysian and Singaporean clients in making investments in the UK. An example of this is our role as preferred solicitors for buyers of residential units in the Battersea Power Station development owned by a Malaysian consortium.
We act in transactions involving Korean investment in the UK and represent Koreans wishing to do business or acquire assets in the UK.
We are actively involved in supporting and advising Korean organisations in various industries in their entry into the European market, including renewable energy, healthcare, high-tech entrepreneurs (under the Korean government’s project to develop high-tech entrepreneurship), food and entertainment among others.
Related Expertise
News & Insights
In an attempt to crackdown on foreign criminals using property to launder money, the UK government has, for a number of years, attempted to introduce a register of those overseas entities which hold UK property.
Quite simply and obviously, arbitration is an agreement between two or more parties to have their disputes resolved by arbitration.
Making an investment into another state, known as foreign direct investment (“FDI”), generally carries a significantly different risk profile from investment in an investor’s domestic market. FDI may be exposed to greater risks arising from the political, regulatory and economic environment of the State into which investment is made.
The enhancement of e-commerce is one of the important policy issues within the European Union. This guide examines the laws covering e-commerce across multiple jurisdictions including the options to resolve disputes should they arise.
If you discover that your business has fallen victim to a payment scam, it is essential you act quickly. We provide guidance on immediate practical steps to take and summarise the main options for legal action to try to recover misappropriated funds.
Payment scams are on the increase. They are big business for fraudsters and businesses of all shapes and sizes are being targeted. All businesses need to be alert to the risks and to ensure staff receive training to combat these convincing scams.
Making an investment into another state, known as foreign direct investment (“FDI”), generally carries a significantly different risk profile from investment in an investor’s domestic market.
In this briefing we tackle one of the biggest and most uncertain of all Brexit topics: what will happen to our laws after we leave?
While for some mention of “Cape Town” may conjure up images of Table Mountain, the harbour, and surrounding vineyards, for those in the Aviation business Cape Town was the location for a diplomatic conference in 2001 to negotiate a treaty ...
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