Fertility & Surrogacy

Whilst there has been a rapid advancement in medical science allowing families to be created through a wide range of procedures, it still remains fundamental that two questions can be answered; who is my parent? Is this my child? The law was been written in an attempt to provide certainty so that these questions can always be answered. However, the inflexibility that certainty requires means that the answer is not always as expected or intended.


Future parents, caught up in the excitement of having a child, sometimes overlook the legal mechanisms which need to be put in place, some of which need to be in place even before treatment has started. This means that the happiness of creating a family can sometimes be overshadowed by lengthy proceedings to fix past errors which are not always straight forward and some errors cannot be rectified.

Different procedures have different legal requirement. Sometimes it is as straight forward as ensuring a consent form is signed by the appropriate person at the appropriate time. Other times an application to court is required but it is important to take legal advice from an early stage to ensure that you know your options. 



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