Changes on the Horizon for Non-Compete Clauses

Changes on the Horizon for Non-Compete Clauses

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has published a Consultation Paper which closes on 26 February inviting comments on the possibility of legislative amendments providing for making post-termination restrictions illegal or ensuring that they are only enforceable if employers’ pay employees for the period during which employees are bound by the restrictions.

Mind the Ethnic Pay Gap in 2021

Mind the Ethnic Pay Gap in 2021

At the start of 2021, we wait with interest to receive the Government’s response to the consultation on proposals for a mandatory approach to ethnicity pay gap reporting, which is along similar lines to the existing gender pay gap reporting and which would potentially require employers to publish their workforce data, broken down by ethnicity and pay band.

Furlough Defence Unit: How Did We Do When the World Turned Upside Down?

Furlough Defence Unit: How Did We Do When the World Turned Upside Down?

With claims emerging that the furlough scheme has been fraudulently applied it is highly likely that HMRC will be looking to pursue criminal sanctions against blatant cases of tax fraud where it considers there is clear dishonesty or exploitation.