Unfair prejudice claims associated with the management of companies are usually brought by a minority shareholder, with the usual order sought being a ‘Buy-Out Order’ requiring the wrongdoer to purchase the unfairly prejudiced party’s shares. In Macom GmbH v Bozeat & Ors [2021] EWCH 1661 (Ch) this was turned on its head.
Private Investigations - the modern law of privacy: what it is and how to leverage it
The way in which English law protects personal privacy is founded on a prohibition of misuse of private information. Recent developments have expanded this to cover intrusion or harassment. This is so even if some information has reached the public domain so there is some loss of absolute confidentiality.
Pureoaty of motive....
Last orders for Lidl’s lookalike gin, as judge calls time on trade mark infringement
Dispute resolution: to mediate or not…
Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party (the mediator) is appointed by the parties to a dispute to assist them to explore possible ways of reaching a negotiated resolution. Mediators tend to be appointed to facilitate negotiations, rather than to evaluate the relative strengths or weaknesses of the parties’ respective positions.
Commercial Rent Arrears
Bad faith: Tornado | EU Court recognises that a planned deal is not a done deal
Life After Lockdown: Covid-19 and Commercial Property
With all non-essential shops opening on Monday 15 June and the June quarter’s rent (which usually falls due on 24 June) imminent, commercial landlords and tenants are being encouraged to discuss the position and work out commercial solutions, which are likely to involve varying the terms of their current arrangements.